Compare Robot Lawn Mowers – Automower Comparison Chart

Wondering which robotic mower to buy? In the chart below, you can compare robot lawn mowers side-by-side. For example, see customer ratings, price comparisons, coverage area, grass cutting height, special features and more…

Robot Lawn Mowers

Rating 1-5 Price Coverage Area Grass Cutting Height Climbs Hills? Anti-Theft Protection Notes & Special Features

MoRow Robot
Grass Cutter

MoRow Grass Cutting Robot Mower

4.1 $899-$950 1/4 Acre 1.0″-2.5″ High Up to 20% Incline No, although does come with a security PIN for programming. MoRow offers a lower priced option with many of the same features of other models. However, it does not include a security system. See the MoRow Review.

Automower 315X

Husqvarna Automower 315X

4.0 $1,799-$1,899 1/4 Acre 0.8″-2.4″ High Up to 22% Incline PIN code–protected alarm and GPS tracking. Large driving wheels can handle bumpy terrain, while it can also navigate through narrow pathways. In addition, you can control the mower with the Connect@Home mobile app. You can also run 2 mowers at once. See Husqvarna Automower 310 Review (similar model).

Gardena Sileno City
Robot Mower

Gardena Sileno City Quiet, Automated Robot lawn Mower

4.6 $750-$850 1/8 Acre 0.78″-1.96″ High Up to 35% Incline Anti-theft system uses special code for unit to work, however, no GPS. The Gardena comes in 5 different models with capacities ranging from 2,700 to 8,100 square feet. Plus, these mowers offer bluetooth connectivity, all-weather terrain abilities and low noise of 57dB. See Review of Gardena r80li Robot Mower (similar model).

Worx Landroid
Robotic Lawn Mower

Worx Landroid Robotic Lawn Mower

3.8 $1,399-$1,450 1/2 Acre 1/2″-4″ High Up to 20% Incline Built-in GPS detection alerts you to theft & identifies its location (some models) The Landroid offers models with different power options, so you can save money if you have a smaller yard. Easily navigates narrow paths, plus you can control the mower with mobile app. See Worx Landroid Review Here.

Husqvarna Automower 435X

Husqvarna 435X AWD Automower

4.7 $3,999 3/4 Acre 1.2″-2.8″ High Up to 70% Incline Yes, Anti Theft Alarm & GPS Tracking. All wheel drive robot mower can cut grass on steep inclines without sliding. Plus, front wheels operate independently from rear wheels, making this mower able to better navigate narrow pathways and off-road terrain. See the 435X AWD Mower Review.

L350i Elite

Ambrogio L350i 2-Acre Robot Mower

4.5 $5,199 1.75 Acres 0.9″-2.5″ High Up to 19% Incline Yes. GeoFence Alarm System alerts you if the mower is removed from your yard. The Ambrogio costs more, but it can handle significantly larger lawns. In addition, you can sharpen the grass cutting blade instead of continually buying new blades. Also, the company offers 6-month 0% financing. See the Abrogio L350i Elite Review.


Drinking a Beer Instead of Mowing the Lawn Because I Got a Robot Mower

Similarities Among Robotic Mowers:

Of course, these robot lawn mowers have several commonalities. All this data would clutter up the chart, so we didn’t include it. Instead, we’ve listed the information below.

Keep in mind that they all contribute to your well-being, so get ready to spend more time relaxing on your deck.

1. Robot Mowers are Quiet:

Low Noise Robot Lawn Mower Cuts Grass QuietlyThese little electric grass cutters make very little noise. In fact, you can schedule them to run at night or early in the morning, and they won’t disrupt anyone. Furthermore, you can run them more often without feeling guilty about annoying the neighbors. =)

2. Create a Convenient Mowing Schedule:

These automated devices will mow your lawn whenever you tell them to. Just program the unit with “When” and “How Often”, and your mowing robot will continue on the schedule until you change it.

3. Robotic Mowers Fertilize Your Lawn:

All of these machines trim off small bits of grass and disperse them into your lawn. In fact, the pieces are so small that you don’t see a bunch of grass cuttings laying across your yard. Plus, the smaller pieces compost quicker to make your lawn healthy.

4. Lawn Mowers are Weatherproof:

All of the robots come with their own charging station or “Garage” which you set up outside. In other words, they are designed to be exposed to the elements.

Robomower Blades Only Need Replacing Once a YearFurthermore, these mowers can cut grass while it’s raining. However, some models will automatically return to their charging stations if they sense rain. For example, the Landroid will wait for the weather to dry before continuing to mow.

5. Replacement Batteries and Blades:

Since these mowers are cordless, they all have re-chargeable batteries that at some point will need replacing. In addition, the cutting blades will get dull over time.

The replacement costs and timelines are very similar between models. That said, the Robomow comes with larger, more expensive blades. However, they last longer, so the cost evens out.